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 Charitable Organization Vatutinskiy Social Care Center
«House of Mercy»

About us

"The House of Mercy", the city of Vatutina, started the work of the Youth Center for Adaptation. Our work is aimed at helping boys and girls who are released from orphanages and orphanages to settle in modern life, provide them with housing and other conditions for a full-fledged life, education in various educational institutions. Teach them to manage their finances, take care of themselves, be responsible, independent, full masters of their lives and conscientious citizens of their country and the world. We want to educate and support in them a friendly attitude towards universal Christian values, and responsibility for their personal life and the lives of other people. Prevent alcohol and drug use, dependence on gambling, and criminalizing their lives.

We are ready to accept children aged 16 and above with an average level of intelligence. Our institution provides furnished apartments for use on two persons with all conveniences, a kitchen and a bathroom.

To enroll in our institution you need to have the following package of documents:

                              1. A document certifying a person (passport, identification code);

                              2. Personal matter;

                              3.Document on the end of the educational institution;

                              4.Help about medical examination.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, If you want to help us and cooperate with us, join this business and be part of it, you have the opportunity to:

                              1. To be a sponsor of the institution, and to support us financially;

                              2. To support our projects and their implementation;

                              3. To send parcels to children;

                              4.Mulitatively support children of our center, and people who work here.

In reward, your good deeds, support and compassion will forever be minted in the memory of these boys and girls.

© 2024 House of Mercy

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